Miss Scarlet Fever

About Me
Pinup Photographer
Sequined Pasties
Material Pasties
Performance Dates
Media Clippings
Video shots
Brooklyn Bombshell
Gangster Girl
Miss Amour / Les Jennifers
Nurse Betty

Scarlet's Pasties
- shop OPEN!

No burlesque costume is complete without a set of pasties!  These are great for performing, or just for fun at home!

* Made up pasties - ready to buy!

* Sequin based pasties

* Material based pasties

All my pasties are:
  • Lovingly hand made
  • Strong - made with strong backing & bonding materials for durability.  Set & clamped for 24 hours to ensure strength.  
  • Durable - The strong backing allows the pasties to retain their shape for repeated use & wearing under costumes.
  • Easy to use & clean - shiny backing allows for easy application & cleaning of pastie glue &subsequent re-use.

All pasties Come with:  Instructions on caring for your pasties, and a pretty storage pouch.


* Information on Shipping, Payment & Security


Miss Peachy wearing Jennyz Jewelz pastiez

I am a big fan of your pasties, the very best in quality & range. Only the services of you will do when it comes to my pasties!
       --- Miss Peachy, Gold Coast, Australia
Great personalised design.  Fast friendly service.  You have
a fantastic knowledge about them.  I'm positive  they will last for

years and years.

       --- Agent 69, Canberra, Australia.
Excellent service!  Scarlet made my pasties with only a few days notice.  They
were beautifully made using very durable materials.  They have stayed in perfect
shape, even when worn under a bra for numerous rehearsals and 3 days of
performances.  I highly recommend her.  
        --- Toni Hunt aka Miss Billy Divine, Canberra, Australia.

Miss Billy Devine wearing Scarlet's pasties


Gift vouchers available - on pretty pink cardboard with gold embellisments.
NB: All pastie designs are subject to availibity of materials.  Prices for pasties with exotic tassels are subject to change in accordance with cost of tassels.

Write your testimonial here:

Want to order some pasties? Or ask some questions? Use the form below:

Order or Enquiry?Order
Name of design
Description for custom made
Base material
Base colour
Tassel colour
How did you find my site?
Any other comments


Join Scarlet Fever's mailing list! Email:

*** Email: Miss.Scarlet.Fever@gmail.com ***